STEM is the acronym (abbreviation) for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Many organisations use the STEM in their title and are supported by Government or local authority to assist...
Main Content
The Mid Sussex Science Week is an annual event organised by volunteers of local businesses, schools, local authority and local Universities and Trusts. STEM ambassadors (normally from local business) visit the local Primary Schools during the week to share knowledge of their jobs and help inspire them with a project.
How did MSSW Start?
Two Governors / Trustees of a local High School identified that by the time children reached high school some students had not been made aware of the opportunities or the applications for STEM subjects...
Tomorrow’s engineers
We need more engineers. For that we need young people to understand how what they learn at school is used in the real world. Giving them the chance to talk to engineers and scientists...
Supporting businesses and organisations
The organising committee wish to extend their appreciation to the following businesses and organisations: